
Three Peaks Charity Challenge


A team of 12 intrepid adventurers from Dams recently completed the national 3 peaks challenge in under 24 hours. The challenge consisted of scaling the 3 highest peaks in Scotland, England and Wales – which are Ben Nevis, Scafell Pike and Snowdon respectively, with all proceeds and donations going towards our target of raising £50,000 in 2017-18 for Dams chosen charities Alder Hey Children’s Charity & the British Heart Foundation.

The challenge time of 24 hours not only involved scaling all 3 peaks, but also the transport times between them, so a group of Dams employees were also undertaking the driving and providing logistical support. The 3 peaks challenge requires a good level of fitness, determination and stamina to complete within the 24 hours. Sleep deprivation also plays a key part in making this a tough challenge, as well as the ability to scale the peaks.