
Supplier Code of Ethical Conduct

  1. Modern Slavery Act 2015

All Dams (including Dams Holdings) suppliers shall comply with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 without limitation. Dams have the right to request documentation proving the transparency in its suppliers’ supply chains.

  1. Anti-Bribery / Corruption Requirements

All Dams suppliers shall comply with all applicable anti-bribery and anti-corruption legislation including without limitation, the Bribery Act 2010 and any applicable European Union Directives. In addition to the above, the supplier confirms that:

  1. It will not participate in any corrupt practices in relation to the contract or project.
  2. It will ensure that its officers and employees, subsidiary and related companies, do not participate in any corrupt practices.
  1. Ethical Standards

All Dams suppliers need to demonstrate that it shall at all times comply with the ethical standards contained in this condition. In particular, the suppliers shall:

  1. Comply with all applicable laws and regulations
  2. Protect against the use of workers younger than the minimum age required by law
  1. Provide appropriate wages and benefits as required by law
  2. Protect against excessive working hours that exceed local laws or business customs
  3. Protect against physical and mental punishment of workers
  1. Maintain safe and clean workplaces, including any residential facilities, in compliance with the law